Katherine (Katie) Jacobson
United States
The Halloran Clan
Gary Pick
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Thomas Houlihan
United States
The Houlihan Clan
Seamus MacCathmhaoil
New Zealand
The McCall Clan
Patrick McNeely
Enfield, United States
The McNeely Clan
John Robberstad
Renton, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Anthony Ayres
Cape Coral, Fl., United States
The Ayres Clan
thomas walsh
Crown point, United States
The Walsh Clan
John Flanagan
United States
The Flanagan Clan
Leigh Bryant
United States
The O'Bryant Clan
Kristina Conlin
The Conlin Clan
Catherine Kremer
United States
The Shanley Clan
Patrick Patterson
The Patterson Clan
Roger O'Daniel
Minneapolis, United States
The O'Daniel Clan
Ciaran Keegan
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Kelly Boran
United States
The O'Boran Clan
Timothy Warren
Los Angeles, United States
The Warren Clan
philip corp
United States
The Korp Clan
Finnian Clarke
The Clarke Clan
John McConnell
United States
The McConnell Clan
C. B. "Hoppy" Hopkins
United States
The Hopkins Clan
Michael John Murphy
Sydney, Australia
The Murphy Clan
Jona Lee Hitchcock Johnson
United States
The Hitchcock Clan
Michelle Thomson
Hagersville Ontario, Canada
The Vaughan Clan
David Howard
Fort Wayne, IN, United States
The Howard Clan